Super Mueller Wonder Twins

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Too smart for his own good...

I don't remember any of it, but I've been told I could occasionally give my parents some trouble growing up. Getting caught selling my homework wasn't "bad" it was enterprising.

Why is Jason reminiscing about his childhood you might ask? Because my family believes my children are going to be my karmic retribution. Until today, I didn't believe them.

Today, Scott did something that's both laugh out loud funny and eerily familiar. He was banging blocks against our fireplace, so Pauline told him to stop. He did... for a minute. Then he went back at it. Pauline told him to stop a second time. He came over, touched her chin, and pushed her face away from the fireplace.

Problem solved.

Now mommy couldn't see when he was banging his blocks against the fireplace.

I think we're seeing the beginning of a devious little mind. It's a good thing he's cute!

- J

Monday, October 20, 2008

Daddy, Kitty, and an Espresso machine

The kids started their speech therapy this month. They're falling a little behind in the language department. We've been told this isn't unusual for twins because the people they hear the most are... each other.

Anyway, we've run into some strange things with kids when it comes to language. For instance, when they want to be picked up - both Hannah and Scott say "DOWN!". If you don't respond or try to correct them by saying, "No, you want to go UP!" they look at you confused (or annoyed - depends on when they last had a nap) and repeat their request with more urgency. We can't seem to break the cycle. They're convinced up is really down.

Scott has his own special language confusion. For some reason he's started to call me kitty. He knows Pauline is Mommy, Hannah is Hannah, my parents are Nanna and Pop-pop, Pauline's parents are Grandma and Grandpa CC, he knows his aunts (by name), he even knows our pet's names. But, for some reason, I'm kitty. At first we didn't understand - there's usually no cat in the room when he says "Hi Kitty" - now we know he really means me. And, no, it's not that he can't say daddy. He can say that just fine.

Scottie has also figured out how to make funny noises with his mouth. His favorite is the espresso machine noise (you know, when it's dispensing foam?). He spend 30 minutes last night running around our living room making that noise. What a strange little boy. It's a good thing he's cute, eh?

- J

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Monday, September 22, 2008

You want a car?

Scottie, car salesman extraordinaire!

Hannah got the camera!

Hannah wanted to wear Mommy's coat...

Scott wanted in.

Hannah takes up photography...Hi, Mommy!

Sometimes when Daddy's not helping you point the camera, you might accidentally take a picture of your shorts...Daring!


Sunday, September 21, 2008

RenFest 2008

Pauline and I took the kids to the Minnesota Renaissance Festival this year. It was lots of fun - petting zoos, animal rides, and lots of crazy people wearing costumes.

The twins got to ride a llama. I was hoping for the elephant ride... but you know moms. They just don't want their two year olds to ride elephants for some reason. Maybe next year...

(click on any image to enlarge)

They both had a lot of fun with the llama. Hannah wanted to pet/yank the hair of the llama's mane. We had to constantly remind her to keep her hands on the bars.

We also found a booth with giant bubble wands. The kids have had a fascination with bubbles recently, so this was a lot of fun for them...

Taking twin two year olds to a wide open fair (with lots of crazy people in costumes) can be an adventure. Scott and Hannah spent about half the time in the stroller... and about half the time running away from me and Pauline.

Next year, we're going with leashes. Just kidding... maybe.

- J

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Sometimes, you just gotta dance...

We've all been there. You're quietly dancing to the tune in your birthday card and mom sneaks up behind you with a camera. Ten years ago it might have just been an silly picture or a home movie you drag out for a laugh every few years. Welcome to the YouTube age!

I can't wait to share this with Scott's first girlfriend.

RenFest pics up next.

- J


Or maybe it will take a couple of months to get that video

Sorry - I know I promised I'd get the tickle video up in a day or two. I'm a horrible blogger... what can I say? I'm going to make it up to you, though. I have the tickle video, Scott Dancing video, and pictures from our trip to the RenFest this summer!

Here's the tickle fight...

Scottie Dancing, RenFest - all coming up next.

- J

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Monday, July 07, 2008

Tickle tickle tickle

The twins are pretty good at picking up behaviors they see. One of our favorite games at home is "pile on daddy, jump on him a few times, then let him tickle us until we race to the other side of the room and start the process all over again". (We're working on a better name)

Anyway, the kids love tickling. Yesterday afternoon, I was in the kitchen getting their snack together and I heard Hannah saying something over and over again in this really high-pitched voice. I couldn't quite make it out, so I look around the corner to see what they were doing - Hannah was chasing Scott with her arms stretched out., they were both giggling. I listened agin... Hannah was saying "tickle tickle tickle!" over and over again. They got to one side of the room, then switched - Scott started chasing Hannah shouting "tickle tickle tickle!".

It was one of the cutest things I've ever seen. I got some video of it and I'll try to post it tonight or tomorrow. You're going to love it!

- J

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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Hannah and her letters!

The kids are still learning their vocabulary, but Hannah is getting really good with her letters!

Monday, May 12, 2008

DaVinci, Picasso, Hannah

We have a budding artist on our hands. Hannah has drawn her first portrait...

(click on image to enlarge)

I'm not sure, but I think she drew Pauline. ;-)
Right now, she has my artistic ability. Giver her a couple months, she'll take after her mother.

There's a little story to go with this. We've been working with the kids to identify their eyes, nose, mouth, ears, and hair. We have this little doodle pad, and we draw out faces and the kids tell us what we're drawing. Sunday, I decided to just draw a circle and see what Hannah could come up with. You've just seen the results.

This is so cool! I've been showing off my little artist's work around the office today. I am one very proud papa!

- J
